how to use: just place in your main sauer folder, (windows = C:\Program Files\sauerbraten) and in your autoexec.cfg (if you have one) type "exec 8ball.cfg"
to use in-game without using a GUI just type /exec 8ball.cfg, hit ESC, then type /8ballsay for it to say something outloud or /8ballecho for echo.
to use in-game using the GUI without autoexec.cfg just type /magic8ball
Made it easier to read for people who need it that way.
Changed command "8ball" to "8ballsay".
Changed command "8ball2" to "8ballecho".
Added function to the GUI so it makes you ask a question and waits a few seconds for the 8 Ball to reply.
Added command "ask8ball" to ask the 8 Ball a question and waits a few seconds before reply.
Added command "questions" for 17 new questions that it forces you to ask.
"8ballsay" = [say (at $8ballmsg (rnd 20))]
"8ballecho" = [echo (at $8ballmsg (rnd 20))]
"ask8ball: = [
"8ballmsg" = ["Magic 8 ball: Yes." "Magic 8 ball: No."
magic8ball = [showgui magic8ball]
newgui magic8ball [guibutton "Ask the 8 Ball." [questions;sleep 500 [8ballsay]]
guibutton "Ask the 8 Ball in your head." 8ballecho
showgui magic8ball
"questions" = [say (at $questionsmsg (rnd 17))]
"questionsmsg" = [
"Me: Will I be fragged in 30 seconds?"
"Me: Will I be the winner of this round?"
"Me: Is there going to be a lot of blood this round?"