Nicely done Ac!
Please learn the language before giving help.
'$number[i]' is not valid, cubescript does NOT have arrays.
omg, at least use looplist. <- nix that lol
Also, try more testing. It doesn't work with spaces & 'E' is missing. :)
About the "view direction condition," I don't know of any.
Lowest will probably be 50 without any conflicts. (personally, I'd keep it at 100)
Sauer does have a case command: (case <number> [<value> <action>]* [<default action>])
- casef & cases for floats & strings respectively.
- also: (cond [<condition> <action>]* [<default action>])
Why must EVERYONE use lists!!
-> Sauer has string tools for a reason, such as this.
I can explain the reasons for not using lists in this case, but it would make this post too long.
strstr searches a string for another string: (strstr <orig str> <search str>)
My version with fixes from Razgriz's
Feel free to ask anything,