Here is another deathmatch map (posted for the second time. I really don't know or why it has been deleted before. I really cant remember I deleted it, because i know the consequences if I would do it on purpose. If Ive done it without purpose, I apologize for deleting the content and posting it again.
Another option is that some admin deleted the content. if so, please comment why it has been deleted the 1st time).
The map is based on the original Arena of Death in Quake 3 Arena, by ID-Software (better named ingame as q3dm3).
When you play it, be sure to try efficiency or ffa first, then insta. This is just because the original map in Quake 3 Arena is designed for ffa and so is this version. Waypoints are added and bots work properly so testing (or just playing) the map on singleplayer is no problem (they only got some problems with the jumppad close to the machinegun spawn place).
Maybe a nice hint when playing 1 on 1 on the map: Think before shoot. This map has the intention that you got to take choices where your enemy would be, then consider with which weapon you should kill him/her/it and then really do the action.
I hope you enjoy this map!
Thanks to Yves Allaire for the e7 texture pack!
The required e7 texturepack can be downloaded here.
during the time it has been deleted
- Better and more contrasted lighting, to create a less boring layout.
- Unsymmetrical, when it comes to gameplay and flow you'll feel more of that then you actually see, so try out first before you comment on that.
- Waypoints has been redone on certain areas.
- An input for the lava inside the lavatrenches, so it looks more realistic and solves the question how did the lava came in the map.
- Packaging problem has been solved. It should be packaged properly now...
during the time it has been posted again
- The configuration-file has been updated so all textures also use a height-mapped texture.
23th of September 2012
- Update the configuration-file once more.
- Added more pickups for a better flowing gameplay (less pistol usage).