ohhhhhhhh. looks like ruby :) im going to DL be back with resaults t-chen, you never disapoint so... here I go :P
EDIT: okay so, I walked through it, seems like there needs to be a little more ammo, but dont listen to me I know nothing about how much ammo there should be. uhmmmm very remenicent of ruby but for some reason reminds me of a mix with turbine (which is a good thing). The jumppad that throws you up to where you hit the angle so you are thrown onto the ledge is a bit defective, I recomend maybe putting another jumppad at the top that is angled to the ledge (just an idea, not sure it will work)
I wanted to do a Play test but my grandmas computer is uber slow, so I did not, I will leave that to somone else. 9/10