David | 2010-03-17 18:48
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Ive finally assembled a map thats "worthy" enough to be on quadropolis.
That's why i present you, scemd3!

the map is designed for deathmatch, with a min. of 2 players and a max. of 8 players. at least i prefer 4 players on the map.
scedm3 is included with waypoints, even tough bots dislike the platforms pretty much, just because they cant jump like a "human" player can.
the map isnt actually themed, im sorry for that even tough i dont got much ideas to put a theme to this map (so if neccasery, all ideas are welcome)...

- added more "random" textures in the map.
- some more geometry added.
- gamemplay of the map has been created on a more "defensive" style, while flow wont lacks because of it.
- jumppads replacing the teleport to the highest platfrom. this increases the flow in the intire map (even tough it takes the purpose of the sub-platforms to each primary platform away. this only counts for modes like insta or efficiency. when playing ffa youll lose like 45% of all ammo in the intire map if youll only use jumppads to navigate).
- lighting has been reviewed. places in maps where even the ground was very dark, has been lighted more.
- waypoints have been changed to all improvements. bots can fully play on the intire map.
- the steepest ramp to the highest platform has been reconnected to the ground, so players can acces the platforms easier then before (if they got some plan to keep the enemy away on top of the ramp, or zigzag between the horizontal platforms on the ramp).
- lighting has been reviewed another time. more different lights has been added, so its easier to navigate in the map.
- texturing has been changed a bit. the curved platforms with the jumppad on it, are now textured to a red, or blue colour (with a fitting light above it).
- geometry has been changed a little bit.
- gameplay has been also been reviewed. some health are putted on the ground, instead of having 5 health entinities on above the ground.
- waypoints are updated again.

i hope you all enjoy it!

ps. im sorry got uploading the same map twice now (even tough deleted the old content), but after waiting for like a week for some more (usefull) comments, i decided to try it on a different way then just reposting a comment.

scedm3.zip (1.3 MB)
 (7 votes)
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