Thank you for commenting and advicing.
@linuxjunkie & poum:
yes, you're right, I will move the teledest back a bit and I probably will add another teleport in the flag rooms that leads back to ground floor, like on face-capture (well, this is actually a face-capture inspired map). Btw the flag room can be checked from the opposite base (like face-capture, again) to avoid people camping there. Btw I could add side stairs that leads to the flag room to add multiple ways to reach the flag, not a problem.
I exactly wanted to have the flag capturing that fast, in my purpose this would be a classic "tournament" 3v3 ictf | 4v4 ctf map.
About texturing/lighting I spent a lot of time on that, until I found the combination I liked. Dunno if it's weird, but to me everything fits good enough.
About camping: yes, yes, yes, I really DO hate campers as well, but there's nothing we can do, unfortunately campers will always find a way to make their dirty job.
@kipsta: I tested the gameplay with my mates (ictf) and it works good once you're get used to the map. Some ways are a bit narrow, you're right, probably that's why I wished to keep map size small enough.
for 3v3 games.
@kretren: I said hundred times, quite boring: texturing and lighting are for the most JUST a matter of taste, why don't you try sometimes to apply *your* criticism to *your* maps? The whole "core" series of yours to me looks bad and poor playable, even so I would rate your maps nothing less than a 3/5 because you worked hard on those, work always deserve a reward imo.
"Architecture are random"... maybe, well it's a map for a game, it's just fantasy, did you see many maps in the game that resembles exactly the real world?
"Nature is not my thing"... omg, it's a face-capture inspired map man, can you see rocks and cliffs an lakes and hills on face-capture?
Well, I know this map is an average work (nothing very special), as usual I did expect nothing except fairness, but, as I notice the most of the time, fairness is a virtue widely understimated here.