-- What's this ? --
This script will give you a new menu that makes it easy to assign keys to commands and chatmessages. So, if you are a noob, you can now easily assign a key for saying "Sorry", or "Nice Shot". If you are not a noob, you can use this to save a few commands, which you then have fast access to (by menu or key). You can have up to 20 different chatmessages, teamchatmessages, commands and editcommands. There is also the possibility to look up all unused keys.
Hope, you like it.
-- How to install --
1. Download "l_keys.cfg"
2. Put the file into the directory where your sauerbraten.bat is.
3. Open "autoexec.cfg" which is located in the same directory. Add this line and save:
exec l_keys.cfg
5. Open Sauerbraten and press F10
There will be one error message on your first launch of Sauer. Don't mind it.
[6. Optional: Add this line to your data/menu.cfg before the line oldbinds = (searchbinds [@@@n]):
l_keytoclear = $@newbinds; l_clearoldkey
This will delete the Ludwig van's keybinding, if you change a key in the options/keys menu.]
-- Fix --
1. Fixed the "unknown command: nokey" error and added instruction 6 in -- How to install --.
-- Use --
You may use, or change this script for any purpose. You don't have to attribute this work. However, if you want to tell me about your using this, I would be glad.
//Ludwig van's keys - fix 1 //by Ludwig van //standard texts l_textreset = [ l_text0 = "Shoot red only, please." l_text1 = "Nice shot" l_text2 = "Write in english, please." l_text3 = "Balance, please." l_text4 = "Anybody up for a duel?" l_text5 = "Sorry" l_text6 = "Flag carrier needs some backup." l_text7 = "Good job, team." l_text8 = "Incoming" l_text9 = "Help in defence needed." l_text10 = [showgui servers] l_text11 = [connect 98.76.543.2] l_text12 = [connect 98.76.543.2 [1000 [password]]] l_text13 = [if (strcmp (getteam) "good") [team evil] [team good]] l_text14 = [setmaster 1] l_text15 = [if (= $floatspeed 60) [floatspeed (- $floatspeed 50)]] l_text17 = [newent particles 7 6008 20 0x00B] l_text18 = [sendmap] l_text19 = [getmap] ] //resets the keys l_keyreset = [ loop i 19 [ (concatword "l_key" $i) = "" ] ] //will be executed only once, when you use the script first. if (= $l_used 1) [] [ l_used = 1 bind [F10] [showgui l_say ] l_saykey = [F10] l_teamsaykey = "nokey" l_commandkey = "nokey" l_editcommandkey = "nokey" l_showunused = 0 l_guistayopen = 1 l_guistayopen2 = 1 l_guistayopen3 = 1 l_guistayopen4 = 1 l_lines = "" l_keytoclear = "" l_keynottoclear = "" l_addfieldnumber = 20 l_addfield0 = 5 l_addfield1 = 5 l_addfield2 = 5 l_addfield3 = 5 l_textreset l_keyreset ] //oldkeys is used to clear the old binding of a command l_oldkey = [ loop i $l_addfieldnumber [ (concatword "l_oldkey" $i) = (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) ] l_oldsaykey = (getalias (concatword "l_sayke" "y")) l_oldteamsaykey = (getalias (concatword "l_teamsayke" "y")) l_oldcommandkey = (getalias (concatword "l_commandke" "y")) l_oldeditcommandkey = (getalias (concatword "l_editcommandke" "y")) ] //clearoldkey and l_clearoldeditkey are used, to delete the key of another command, if a key is used twice. l_clearoldkey = [ loop i (- $l_addfieldnumber $l_addfield3) [ if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) $l_keytoclear) [if (= $l_keynottoclear $i) [] [(concatword "l_key" $i) = ""]] ] if (strcmp $l_saykey $l_keytoclear) [if (= $l_keynottoclear -1) [] [l_saykey = "nokey"]] if (strcmp $l_teamsaykey $l_keytoclear) [if (= $l_keynottoclear -2) [] [l_teamsaykey = "nokey"]] if (strcmp $l_commandkey $l_keytoclear) [if (= $l_keynottoclear -3) [] [l_commandkey = "nokey"]] l_keytoclear = "" l_keynottoclear = "" ] l_clearoldeditkey = [ loop i $l_addfieldnumber [ if (>= $i (- $l_addfieldnumber $l_addfield3)) [ if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) $l_keytoclear) [if (= $l_keynottoclear $i) [] [(concatword "l_key" $i) = ""]] ] ] if (strcmp $l_editcommandkey $l_keytoclear) [if (= $l_keynottoclear -4) [] [l_editcommandkey = "nokey"]] l_keytoclear = "" l_keynottoclear = "" ] //those aliases are executed, when you press the assigned button l_initexec = [ loop i $l_addfieldnumber [ l_temp = (getalias (concatword l_text $i)) if (= $l_temp (at $l_addfieldpos 1)) [ if (= (at $l_addfieldpos 1) $l_temp) [(concatword "l_text" $l_temp) = ""; (concatword "l_key" $l_temp) = ""] [(concatword "l_text" $l_temp) = (getalias (concatword "l_text" (- $l_temp 1))); (concatword "l_key" $l_temp) = (getalias (concatword "l_key" (- $l_temp 1)))] ] ] ] [ if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_key" (- (at $l_addfieldpos 1) 1))) "") [] [bind (getalias (concatword "l_key" (- (at $l_addfieldpos 1) 1))) ""] l_addfieldnumber = (- $l_addfieldnumber 1) loop i $l_addfieldnumber [ if (>= (+ $i 1) (at $l_addfieldpos 1)) [ (concatword "l_text" $i) = (getalias (concatword "l_text" (+ $i 1))) (concatword "l_key" $i) = (getalias (concatword "l_key" (+ $i 1))) ] ] ] ] //the guis newgui l_say [ l_oldkey l_initexec guilist [ guitext "^f6Say^f~" guibar guibutton "Teamsay" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_teamsay]] guibar guibutton "Commands" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_commands]] guibar guibutton "Editcommands" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_editcommands]] guibar guibar guibutton "Help" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_help]] ] loop i $l_addfield0 [ guilist [ guifield (concatword "l_text" $i) 50 (if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) "") [] [bind (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i))]) guibar guikeyfield (concatword "l_key" $i) 11 [ if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_oldkey" $i)) "") [] [bind (getalias (concatword "l_oldkey" $i)) ""] (concatword "l_key" $i) = (at (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) 0) if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) "") [] [bind (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i)); l_keytoclear = (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)); l_keynottoclear = $i; l_clearoldkey] ] if (= $l_guistayopen 0) [l_temp = (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i)); guibutton "say now" [@l_temp]] [guistayopen [l_temp = (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i)); guibutton "say now" [@l_temp]]] ] if (= $i (- $l_addfield0 1 )) [ guistayopen [ guilist [ guibutton "^f0Add field^f~" [if ( $l_addfield0 1) [l_addfieldpos = [ "-" @l_addfield0]; l_addfield0 = (- $l_addfield0 1); l_fieldchange]] "arrow_bw" ] guibar guilist [ guitext "Open this gui: " guikeyfield l_saykey 11 [ if (strcmp $l_oldsaykey "nokey") [] [bind $l_oldsaykey ""] l_saykey = (at $l_saykey 0) if (strcmp $l_saykey "") [l_saykey = "nokey"] [bind $l_saykey [showgui l_say]; l_keytoclear = $l_saykey; l_keynottoclear = -1; l_clearoldkey] ] guibar guicheckbox "Don't close Gui when using 'say now'" l_guistayopen ] if (= $l_showunused 0) [guibutton "^f1Show unused keys^f~" [l_showunused = 1]] [guibutton "^f1Hide unused keys^f~" [l_showunused = 0]] ] guilist [ guilist [ if (= $l_showunused 1) [ l_searchbinds = (searchbinds) l_lines = "" loop i (listlen $l_searchbinds) [ l_lines = (concat $l_lines (at $l_searchbinds $i)) if (= (listlen $l_lines) 8) [guitext $l_lines; l_lines = ""] ] if (strcmp $l_lines "")[] [guitext $l_lines] ] ] ] ] ] ] "Ludwig van's Keys: Say" newgui l_teamsay [ l_oldkey l_initexec guilist [ guibutton "Say" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_say]] guibar guitext "^f6Teamsay^f~" guibar guibutton "Commands" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_commands]] guibar guibutton "Editcommands" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_editcommands]] guibar guibar guibutton "Help" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_help]] ] loop i (+ $l_addfield0 $l_addfield1) [ if (>= $i $l_addfield0) [ guilist [ guifield (concatword "l_text" $i) 50 (if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) "") [] [bind (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i))]) guibar guikeyfield (concatword "l_key" $i) 11 [ if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_oldkey" $i)) "") [] [bind (getalias (concatword "l_oldkey" $i)) ""] (concatword "l_key" $i) = (at (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) 0) if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) "") [] [bind (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i)); l_keytoclear = (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)); l_keynottoclear = $i; l_clearoldkey] ] if (= $l_guistayopen2 0) [l_temp = (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i)); guibutton "say now" [@l_temp]] [guistayopen [l_temp = (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i)); guibutton "say now" [@l_temp]]] ] ] if (= $i (- (+ $l_addfield0 $l_addfield1) 1)) [ guistayopen [ guilist [ guibutton "^f0Add field^f~" [if ( $l_addfield1 1) [l_temp = (+ @l_addfield0 @l_addfield1); l_addfieldpos = [ "-" @l_temp ]; l_addfield1 = (- $l_addfield1 1);l_fieldchange]] "arrow_bw" ] guibar guilist [ guitext "Open this gui: " guikeyfield l_teamsaykey 11 [ if (strcmp $l_oldteamsaykey "nokey") [] [bind $l_oldteamsaykey ""] l_teamsaykey = (at $l_teamsaykey 0) if (strcmp $l_teamsaykey "") [l_teamsaykey = "nokey"] [bind $l_teamsaykey [showgui l_teamsay]; l_keytoclear = $l_teamsaykey; l_keynottoclear = -2; l_clearoldkey] ] guibar guicheckbox "Don't close Gui when using 'say now'" l_guistayopen2 ] if (= $l_showunused 0) [guibutton "^f1Show unused keys^f~" [l_showunused = 1]] [guibutton "^f1Hide unused keys^f~" [l_showunused = 0]] ] guilist [ guilist [ if (= $l_showunused 1) [ l_searchbinds = (searchbinds) l_lines = "" loop i (listlen $l_searchbinds) [ l_lines = (concat $l_lines (at $l_searchbinds $i)) if (= (listlen $l_lines) 8) [guitext $l_lines; l_lines = ""] ] if (strcmp $l_lines "")[] [guitext $l_lines] ] ] ] ] ] ] "Ludwig van's Keys: Teamsay" newgui l_commands [ l_oldkey l_initexec guilist [ guibutton "Say" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_say]] guibar guibutton "Teamsay" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_teamsay]] guibar guitext "^f6Commands^f~" guibar guibutton "Editcommands" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_editcommands]] guibar guibar guibutton "Help" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_help]] ] loop i (+ (+ $l_addfield0 $l_addfield1) $l_addfield2) [ if (>= $i (+ $l_addfield0 $l_addfield1)) [ guilist [ guifield (concatword "l_text" $i) 80 (if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) "") [] [bind (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i))]) guibar guikeyfield (concatword "l_key" $i) 12 [ if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_oldkey" $i)) "") [] [bind (getalias (concatword "l_oldkey" $i)) ""] (concatword "l_key" $i) = (at (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) 0) if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) "") [] [bind (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i)); l_keytoclear = (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)); l_keynottoclear = $i; l_clearoldkey] ] if (= $l_guistayopen3 0) [l_temp = (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i)); guibutton "exec now" [@l_temp]] [guistayopen [l_temp = (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i)); guibutton "exec now" [@l_temp]]] ] ] if (= $i (- (+ (+ $l_addfield0 $l_addfield1) $l_addfield2) 1)) [ guistayopen [ guilist [ guibutton "^f0Add field^f~" [if ( $l_addfield2 1) [l_temp = (+ (+ @l_addfield0 @l_addfield1) @l_addfield2); l_addfieldpos = [ "+" @l_temp ]; l_addfield2 = (- $l_addfield2 1);l_fieldchange]] "arrow_bw" ] guibar guilist [ guitext "Open this gui: " guikeyfield l_commandkey 11 [ if (strcmp $l_oldcommandkey "nokey") [] [bind $l_oldcommandkey ""] l_commandkey = (at $l_commandkey 0) if (strcmp $l_commandkey "") [l_commandkey = "nokey"] [bind $l_commandkey [showgui l_commands]; l_keytoclear = $l_commandkey ; l_keynottoclear = -3; l_clearoldkey] ] guibar guicheckbox "Don't close Gui when using 'exec now '" l_guistayopen3 ] if (= $l_showunused 0) [guibutton "^f1Show unused keys^f~" [l_showunused = 1]] [guibutton "^f1Hide unused keys^f~" [l_showunused = 0]] ] guilist [ guilist [ if (= $l_showunused 1) [ l_searchbinds = (searchbinds) l_lines = "" loop i (listlen $l_searchbinds) [ l_lines = (concat $l_lines (at $l_searchbinds $i)) if (= (listlen $l_lines) 10) [guitext $l_lines; l_lines = ""] ] if (strcmp $l_lines "")[] [guitext $l_lines] ] ] ] ] ] ] "Ludwig van's Keys: Commands" newgui l_editcommands [ l_oldkey l_initexec guilist [ guibutton "Say" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_say]] guibar guibutton "Teamsay" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_teamsay]] guibar guibutton "Commands" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_commands]] guibar guitext "^f6Editcommands^f~" guibar guibar guibutton "Help" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_help]] ] loop i (+ (+ (+ $l_addfield0 $l_addfield1) $l_addfield2) $l_addfield3) [ if (>= $i (+ (+ $l_addfield0 $l_addfield1) $l_addfield2)) [ guilist [ guifield (concatword "l_text" $i) 80 (if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) "") [] [bind (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i))]) guibar guikeyfield (concatword "l_key" $i) 12 [ if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_oldkey" $i)) "") [] [bind (getalias (concatword "l_oldkey" $i)) ""] (concatword "l_key" $i) = (at (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) 0) if (strcmp (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) "") [] [editbind (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)) (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i)); l_keytoclear = (getalias (concatword "l_key" $i)); l_keynottoclear = $i; l_clearoldeditkey] ] if (= $l_guistayopen4 0) [l_temp = (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i)); guibutton "exec now" [@l_temp]] [guistayopen [l_temp = (getalias (concatword "l_exec" $i)); guibutton "exec now" [@l_temp]]] ] ] if (= $i (- (+ (+ (+ $l_addfield0 $l_addfield1) $l_addfield2) $l_addfield3) 1)) [ guistayopen [ guilist [ guibutton "^f0Add field^f~" [if ( $l_addfield3 1) [l_temp = (+ (+ (+ @l_addfield0 @l_addfield1) @l_addfield2) @l_addfield3); l_addfieldpos = [ "+" @l_temp ]; l_addfield3 = (- $l_addfield3 1);l_fieldchange]] "arrow_bw" ] guibar guilist [ guitext "Open this gui: " guikeyfield l_editcommandkey 11 [ if (strcmp $l_oldeditcommandkey "nokey") [] [bind $l_oldeditcommandkey ""] l_editcommandkey = (at $l_editcommandkey 0) if (strcmp $l_editcommandkey "") [l_editcommandkey = "nokey"] [editbind $l_editcommandkey [showgui l_editcommands]; l_keytoclear = $l_editcommandkey; l_keynottoclear = -4; l_clearoldeditkey] ] guibar guicheckbox "Don't close Gui when using 'exec now'" l_guistayopen4 ] if (= $l_showunused 0) [guibutton "^f1Show unused keys^f~" [l_showunused = 1]] [guibutton "^f1Hide unused keys^f~" [l_showunused = 0]] ] guilist [ guilist [ if (= $l_showunused 1) [ l_searchbinds = (searcheditbinds) l_lines = "" loop i (listlen $l_searchbinds) [ l_lines = (concat $l_lines (at $l_searchbinds $i)) if (= (listlen $l_lines) 10) [guitext $l_lines; l_lines = ""] ] if (strcmp $l_lines "")[] [guitext $l_lines] ] ] ] ] ] ] "Ludwig van's Keys: Editcommands" newgui l_help [ guilist [ guibutton "Say" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_say]] guibar guibutton "Teamsay" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_teamsay]] guibar guibutton "Commands" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_commands]] guibar guibutton "Editcommands" [cleargui 1;sleep 1 [showgui l_editcommands]] guibar guibar guitext "^f6Help^f~" ] guibar guitext "^f1How to use^f~: The left fields are textfields. There is a total of 50 characters" guitext "for say and teamsay, and 80 characters for commands and editcommands." guitext "The small field on the right is the keyfield. Enter a key here." guitext "Pressing this key now will say the text, or execute the command, written in the textfield." guitext "The keys for editing will only work in Edit mode. The others mostly won't work in edit mode." guibar guitext "^f1Say now^f~ and ^f1Exec now^f~: Press this button to say the text," guitext "or execute the command, written in the left field." guibar guitext "^f1Add field^f~ and ^f1Del field^f~: Will add/delete a field. There is a total of 20 fields per gui." guibar guitext "^f1Show unused keys^f~ : Will show you all keys that are not in Sauerbraten right now." guitext "In the Editcommands gui the keys for editmode are shown." guitext "Some of the displayed keys cannot be used, because SHIFT is a standalone key." guitext "For example DOLLAR will not be accepted. Only 4 will work." guibar guitext "^f1Open this gui^f~ : Assign a key that will open this gui." guitext "The key for the Editcommands gui will only work in editmode." guibar guitext "^f1Don't close Gui when using 'exec now^f~ :" guitext "The menu will not be closed when pressing the button 'exec now' or 'say now'." ] "Ludwig van's Keys: Help"
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