A map using ramps and stuff from vampiscratch2. It's still work in progress, so please suggest stuff and don't rate yet.
Update Thursday, October 22 2009: Added some noclip, and fixed the indian arch building (some decorations were missing).
Sure, I mean it is pretty and all, but i just think that you way over use the purple/yellow tower still Jon limle
yes jon, but this is the only official map that uses it -- vampiscratch2 was only a scratch map, and vampicaves (the other one you saw) is not official yet.
okay first of all nice details. But i think you should use noclip for some details and for the hole under the quad, cause you can hide there perfectly. you can also use some teleporter to boost the game speed. I like the layout cause there is no other map wich looks like this. 3/5
As I think, this map isn't for playing, its's only for see, because I can't understand, how I can play on it. Sorry, but I think this map like "SKYCASTLE", but smaller than it. For details A+ (5+), for gameplay C (3), it's means B (4).
Not every questions deserves an answer.
vampirefrog said (don't rate yet.) xD this map is nice... :D