Anonymous | 2009-08-20 17:11
Quick Access Pad v1.1
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 (1 vote)
Access most important commands with numpad! Dynamic bindings.

Quick Access Pad v1.1

Script that allow you very quickly access most important commands.

Press 'END' to use.


==| Copy 'qap.cfg' file to the main Sauerbraten directory.
==| Write in your 'autoexec.cfg' file (if dosesn't exists make one in main directory) 'exec qap.cfg'.

If you find any bug or you'll have some ideas and suggestions please post comment on Quadropolis.


1.1 - Improved client selection in server commands section.


echo "Q.A.P v1.1 installed! Press 'END' to use!"

ifnotediting = [
	if (! $editing) [
		showgui $arg1
	] [
		echo "You have to be out of edit mode to access Q.A.P!"

teletag = [0]
adminpassword = []
ctn = [0]
selctn = []
mmode = [0]
mmodenames = [open veto locked private]

bind end [ifnotediting qap]

newgui qap [
	guititle "Quick Access Pad"
	guitext "0 - Close"
	guitext "1 - Editing commands"
	guitext "2 - Server commands"
	guitext "3 - Says"
	bind kp0 [cleargui 1]
	bind kp1 [ifnotediting qapediting]
	bind kp2 [ifnotediting qapserver]
	bind kp3 [ifnotediting qapsays]


	newgui qapediting [
		guititle "Editing commands"
		guitext "0 - Close"
		guitext "1 - Sendmap"
		guitext "2 - Getmap"
		guitext "3 - Remip"
		guitext "4 - Ents"
		bind kp1 [say "Sending map..."; sendmap]
		bind kp2 [say "Getting map..."; getmap]
		bind kp3 [remip]
		bind kp4 [ifnotediting qapents]
		newgui qapents [
			guititle "Ent editing commands"
			guitext "0 - Close"
			guitext "1 - Ammo"
			guitext "2 - Teleport"
			guitext "3 - Powerups"
			guitext "4 - Playerstart"
			bind kp1 [ifnotediting qapentammo]
			bind kp2 [ifnotediting qapenttele]
			bind kp3 [ifnotediting qapentpup]
			bind kp4 [ifnotediting qapentspawn]
			newgui qapentammo [
				guititle "Ammo ents"
				guitext "You will be automaticaly moved to editmode"
				guitext "0 - Close"
				guitext "1 - Pistol"
				guitext "2 - Shotgun"
				guitext "3 - Gatling gun"
				guitext "4 - Rifle"
				guitext "5 - Grenades"
				guitext "6 - Rockets"
				bind kp1 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent cartridges; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
				bind kp2 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent shells; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
				bind kp3 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent bullets; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
				bind kp4 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent riflerounds; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
				bind kp5 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent grenades; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
				bind kp6 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent rockets; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
			newgui qapenttele [
				guititle "Tele ents"
				guitext "You will be automaticaly moved to editmode"
				guilist [
					guitext "Tag: "
					guifield teletag 3
				guitext "0 - Close"
				guitext "1 - Teleport"
				guitext "2 - Teledest"
				bind kp1 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent teleport $teletag; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
				bind kp2 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent teledest $teletag; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
			newgui qapentpup [
				guititle "PowerUp ents"
				guitext "You will be automaticaly moved to editmode"
				guitext "0 - Close"
				guitext "1 - Health"
				guitext "2 - Green armour"
				guitext "3 - Yellow armour"
				guitext "4 - Health boost"
				guitext "5 - Quad damage"
				bind kp1 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent health; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
				bind kp2 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent greenarmour; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
				bind kp3 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent yellowarmour; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
				bind kp4 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent healthboost; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
				bind kp5 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent quaddamage; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
			newgui qapentspawn [
				guititle "Playerstart ents"
				guitext "You will be automaticaly moved to editmode"
				guitext "0 - Close"
				guitext "1 - Neutral"
				guitext "2 - Team #1"
				guitext "3 - Team #2"
				bind kp1 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent playerstart; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
				bind kp2 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent playerstart 1; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
				bind kp3 [edittoggle; sleep 10 [ newent playerstart 2; cleargui 0; edittoggle]]
	newgui qapserver [
		guititle "Server commands"
		guilist [
			guitext "Admin pass: "
			guifield adminpassword 30
		guilist [
			guitext "Client number: "
			guifield selctn 3 [ctn = $selctn; selctn = ""]
			if (strcmp (getclientname $ctn) (getname)) [
				if ((isspectator $ctn)) [
					guitext (concatword " " (getclientname $ctn) " [YOU] [SPECTATOR]")
				] [
					guitext (concatword " " (getclientname $ctn) " [YOU]")
			] [
				if (strcmp (getclientname $ctn) "") [
					guitext (concatword " " "[NOBODY]")
				] [
					if ((isspectator $ctn)) [
						guitext (concatword " " (getclientname $ctn) " [SPECTATOR]")
					] [
						guitext (concatword " " (getclientname $ctn))
		guislider ctn 0 64
		guilist [
			guitext (concat "Mastermode:" (at $mmodenames $mmode))
		guislider mmode 0 3
		guitext "0 - Close"
		guitext "1 - Claim master"
		guitext "2 - Claim admin"
		guitext "3 - Use auth key"
		guitext "4 - Relinquish master/admin"
		if ((isspectator $ctn)) [
			guitext "5 - Unspectate"
		] [
			guitext "5 - Spectate
		guitext "6 - Ban"
		guitext "7 - Clear bans"
		guitext "8 - Mastermode"
		guitext "                                                           "
		bind kp1 [setmaster 1]
		bind kp2 [setmaster $adminpassword]
		bind kp3 [auth]
		bind kp4 [setmaster 0]
		bind kp5 [if ((isspectator $ctn)) [spectator 0 $ctn] [spectator 1 $ctn]]
		bind kp6 [kick $ctn]
		bind kp7 [clearbans]
		bind kp8 [mastermode $mmode]
	newgui qapsays [
		guititle "Says"
		guitext "0 - Close"
		guitext "1 - Go0d g4me"
		guitext "2 - Nic3 sh0t"
		guitext "3 - 0wn3d"
		guitext "4 - 0h m4h g4whd"
		guitext "5 - L4ughing my as$ 0ff"
		guitext "6 - Che4t3r"
		guitext "7 - Nic3 0ne"
		bind kp1 [say "Go0d g4me"; cleargui 0]
		bind kp2 [say "Nic3 sh0t"; cleargui 0]
		bind kp3 [say "0wn3d"; cleargui 0]
		bind kp4 [say "0h m4h g4whd"; cleargui 0]
		bind kp5 [say "L4ughing my as$ 0ff"; cleargui 0]
		bind kp6 [say "Che4t3r"; cleargui 0]
		bind kp7 [say "Nic3 0ne"; cleargui 0]
	] (7.6 KB)
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