Version 1.1
* Changed a few spots of lighting. Some was artistic, some was the lighting I should've done the first time around.
* Added smoke particles. You may need to turn them off if performance suffers. I don't think it should do too much harm, though.
* Changed position of pick-ups. Reduced Grenade Launcher count to one. Pistol rounds are gone. You won't last very long with a Pistol, anyway, so I justify it with that.
* Added two new methods of movement. The first is the teleporters at the bottom level, completing the whole bottom-middle-top thing, so that all levels can get to every other level in some fashion. Also, there is a giant ventilator shaft you can rifle-jump on top of, leaving you the rest of your rounds to snipe, at the very top level. The bots can't do this, though, so don't exploit it on them. Unless you want to. I would.
* New map boxy, actually a picture of the map this time, although with post-processing Photoshop effects. I just can't leave stuff alone. >_