This script allows you to edit entities' properties, like height, angle, asigned texture and so on.
You can edit all entity kinds after placing them somewhere in the map.
1) Move yourself next to the entity, which you want to edit.
2) Select which property should be attached, by toggling through the 4 entity values (default keys: UP, DOWN). (Any entity has 4 values, while sometimes only the first one or two are in use. See the explanation below.)
3) Change the values upwards or downwards (default keys: LEFT, RIGHT).
Light: 0 = radius, 1 = red (or brightness if 2 and 3 are left blank), 2 = green, 3 = blue
Clip: 0 = elevation above the ground (negative values possible), 1 = X dimension, 2 = Y dimension, 3 = height of the box
Mapmodel: 0 = angle, 1 = number of mapmodel refering to the config file, 2 = elevation above the ground (NO negative values possible), 3 = assigned texture
Sound: 0 = the sound to play, 1 = radius, 2 = size, 3 = volume
Flags 0 = angle, 1 = Team (0 = CLA, 1 = RVSF)
Playerstarts: 0 = angle, 1 = Team (0 = CLA, 1 = RVSF, 100 = FFA)
It works the same for pickups and the ladder entity.
*NOTE: It doesn't work on Coop mode. Everbody except yourself will not see the changes.
Read the instructions given on the top of the file.
*NOTE: There are default binds (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT). Change them before running AC, if you want to keep your arrow keys for movement.
Please report bugs and feel free to post code optimisations.