The Carbon Mod is a graphical mod which main goal is to provide a new HUD to AssaultCube players: it is fully customizable with several options like:
- crosshair color and alpha transparency
- ammobox
- personnal score counter
- scorebox
- ...
The files we modded are those that are displayed on the HUD while playing ( compass, life bars, items icons etc... ).
We created a lot of commands that can be used to manage the HUD, so you can easily create several autoexec files/scripts that could be launched at any time while playing !
One of the biggest advantage of this mod is his capacity to be easily rolled back to the AC classical HUD, so you won't lose anything of the genuine AssaultCube.
Actually implemented Cvars (available in the readme file):
Call: /cbar
Function: Display bars intead and rate instead of numbers to show your health and your armour.
Call: /ammobox
Function: Display either the little icons at the right of the screen or the classical numbers.
Call: /scorebox
Function: Display the most important parameter to make you win the match you are playing ( either frags in team
deathmatch/tosok or flags in ctf/htf/tktf );
Call: /skillmenu
Function: Display a personnal score counter to let you know how many times you killed someone, etc...
Call: /crosshaircolor R V B A
Function: Modify the crosshair's colors with the parameters you specify ( supports alpha transparency ).
Call: /crosshairname
Function: Display the nick of the team mates you aim or not under the crosshair.
Call: /hudstyle X
Function: use fully customisable life bars when X=2 ( X=1 rolls back to the classical life bars )
Call: /hudrgb X R G B
Function: modify the colours of the customisable lifebars, X=0 for the health, X=1 for the armour, R G B are the colour components.
Call: /delhudrgb X
Function: fall back to the classical customisable bar ( X=0 for health, X=1 for armour ).