THEtarget | 2008-11-20 22:22
l_ctf V3
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This content is now included in the official release of the game, so you do not need to download it if you already have the latest release. The content stored here may not reflect the copy the game uses.
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A ctf map. Updated: Slight layout modification, improoved look.

General presentation V2 (improoved too ^^)

This map was build not to be an other face to face CTF, althought it's symetric for the sake of balance. So I gave it a L shape, with a lot of vertical gameplay. Even there was not an absolute need, I gave each side of the map a color theme: green and blue. Depending of my mood, I used to prefer one side or one other, that's a strange feeling, so I believe overall it's OK. It doesn't camouflage your oponents (wich are red or yellow, and may be difficult to see when the map is red or yellow), and it balances with the red shades of the skyboxes and the skylight I chose.

Update 3 : I changed the layout slightly, remove useless details here and there, add some details here and there. I believe the overrall look of the map has improoved.

Update 2: (Better flow, better CTF, now with capture).

A major flaw with the flow need to be corrected, and it lead to the rebuild of a part of the map. Now I believe the gameplay to be really good in CTF, especially insta. I also modified other little things, like putting clip where _I_ wouldn't need it but where non-bunny-hoping player may have feel unconfortable without.
Because of the rebuild, the map felt like it was OK for capture now, then I placed capture bases in a non-symetric way; it lets me use every interesting part (for a base) only once, so it shouldn't feel redundant despite the map is symetric. Ammo is random, because I believe it had a lot of replayability and force players to change their tactics (yeah, there are tactics in SB, sure! :) ) according to which ammo is where (especially in regen capture).

Update 1:

Lights fixed, Item placement fixed, flow fixed, and playerstarts placed. (1.09 MB)
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