This is a small, fast dm/ffa/insta map me and Jake made in about 10 hours not including extra details. However those "10 Hours" stretched over a period of 4 days but the end result is awsome. It has been play-tested thoroughly and I think it's absolutely perfect. Flows well and has good gameplay and looks good although it doesn't have as much details as some maps but it still looks ok. I HIGHLY suggest not exceeding more than 4 players on this map.
About the Quake texture (The moving space in the portals) I have recently been told by maddog39 that people do, in fact, have permission to use quake textures from ID Software as long as you don't try to sell it which I'm not in less you want to buy it in which case I'll have to decline =D In any case he mentioned something about it being on the Enemy Territory Quake Wars Forums or something so I'm assuming theres written proof that we have permission but I don't have it on me. Anyway Enjoy the map! =D
UPDATE Monday, July 14, 2008: Fixed lighting and added some bookshelves for personality.