Kaiser | 2008-06-20 18:21
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Space has gone to hell

CTF remake of an old map of mine. A lot of the geometry has been changed from the original not to mention some new parts have been added in. Right now the release of this only contains the geometry but I am trying to get a feel for what players would like to see done with this to better fit how they play.

The current concept is that from flag-to-flag there are more or less 5 paths (2 top, 2 middle, 1 bottom) that a player can take. The top is the fastest by far but provides little cover. The middle path gives a good bit of cover but getting to the flag takes some work. The bottom path is very open and very straight so it can be either a quick escape or just a fast way to die.

I will now call this a beta version of the map. A few geometry changes to make the time between flags a bit longer. The lighting is done and items and spawns are all in place. As of right now all I need on this map is a bit of testing and refining before I will call it done. If there are any changes anyone would like to see in this let me know and I will see if I can toss them in. The map is intended mainly for CTF so the placement of weapons is sided more towards the spawns of the map but I managed to place the regular spawns out quite evenly so that they are within easy reach of some weaponry.

Widened the side hallway a lot. This took a lot of time and I think it worked out well. I don't plan to widen the other hallways as they are much shorter and benefit from the narrowness in this case. I took out a lot of the small pillars to give the map a little more open feel and also raised a few areas where the ceiling was too low. Teleports have been added in to make getting between levels just a tad faster.

UPDATE 3: Okay I just tore through the map and removed as much obstructions as I felt the map could do without. This is about as far as I can take the map to make it more open. There will be at least one update after this to tie up a few loose ends such as adding Capture and a new screenshot as well.

Addition of small visual changes to the map as well as a few texture fixes. The large side hallway now is connected between the top and bottom to improve the flow of the map a bit as well as give a little more in the way of paths to take to the flag. Capture support added in and new screenshot is now packaged with it.

Tossed in a teleporter in each side to help with getting to the upper levels and also made it so that grabbing the flag will be just a tad harder but not too much.

I think the change is obvious. I think it improves the map quite a bit by giving more options of where to go and at the same time increasing the chance of a run in between teams and also allowing for a better chance at getting the flag back should it be captured.

Added in some particle effects by request. Some might get changed or removed on the next update. About 1/4 of the envmaps are now gone to reduce a little bit of the drag they were causing.

The end is near!!! A few texture and geometry fixes. The major update here is less noticable as it is the reduction of the envmaps down to a more reasonable level. From edit mode look above the map and you will see how this was all done.

redemption.zip (1.48 MB)
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