This is a medium sized arena with an egyptian theme.
Credits go to PunDit, wintermute and fweep for their invaluable input.
As before, I am still open to any and all critiques. Enjoy :)
I don't know the Unreal Tournament version, but I assume with this layout there won't be much fighting on the second floor (in ctf mode)? Interesting map nevertheless. Looking good and using my favourite texture set. And has capture bases (unlike most other ctf maps :). But there are so many particle systems. They affect the frame rate in some areas (at least on my system).
Thank-you for your comments :) The feedback is welcome.
Yes, you are right. The UT inspiration was simply a hallway with opposing spawnpoints. That didn't work too well with sauer's gameplay, so i had to elaborate a little. I am currently revising it to be more arena style and much less demanding graphically.
from an artistic point of view ...nice map.
dunno why they all seem to complain - i like it :-)
If there is anything you don't like or feel you are missing, please let me know! This has changed quite a bit since I first uploaded. There are now much fewer particles to wreak havoc on your GPU! Thanks to everyone who gave me advice and feedback. :)
Very cool map. 4/5 stars.
There is now less abuse of the particles in my map. A minor bug was preventing them from being drawn at low fps, so what looked fine to me was actually quite excessive. I've also made a number of small geometry fixes and texturing adjustments.