map: ac_magic-school1
multiplayer smaller version!
name: ac_magic-school
full version!
maybe you know me, as the author of maps like "poolhouse" ;
"matrix revolution" ; "seafight" and so on.
Until 3 month I have finished the biggest map i ever made.
It's a little bit like the school of Harry Potter but in detail its completly different ;-)
There is something new, so for example you can go on the roof of the conservatory and you also can go in. So you have a real 3D roof.
An other example is a flight of winding stairs. I never seen such thing in
an other map befor.
So how i choose in category, it's a really big map so i will try it somtimes
in multiplayer but you should play it more in singleplayer because i could imagen, the map starts lagging.
I hope you enjoy the map, and have a lot of fun.
And remember, it's a magic school, so sometimes walls could be also doors ;-)
Kind regards
your teammate(hase)