Sharper | 2008-02-04 11:03
ac_storage - path unlocked in 0.94+music
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 (10 votes)
Storage Complex - Crouch Tunnel for 0.94 with default AC music

UPDATE: If you add the map config in the map folder correctly (or extract) the default AC music should run in loop. Enjoy :)

UPDATE: Fixed some mistakes, such as the 1/4 box which looks weird (thanks to players online for spotting it). The side panels in the underground tunnel have extra height which allows you to crouch and go on it - this is probably the last update, enjoy my map :(

UPDATE: Added Fog, and lightscale and recalc has been tested. Should be a bit, and I mean only a bit, but better now :)

UPDATE: Fixed Lighting, prefix of the sun as 45 degree from CLA base.. lighting is set according to that, and shadows are also present now

UPDATE: Tweaked a tiny bit of the map - Conveyor Belt Section

UPDATE: Fixed the zip folder problem, should work finely now. Also edited the map outside, so you won't have empty spaces when you go into edit mode and press F5.

One thing before describing it, the path in the RVSF base that you cannot walk through because you hit the ceiling, is for the 0.94 release with the crouch ability. When you can crouch, you can crouch and walk through the conveyor belt. So please do not give me a low rating on that matter, I am fully aware that you cannot use the path in 0.93. I can't wait for 0.94 though :) (You could play it on CVS)

I am thinking that I should suggest this map to be put into the list of maps in 0.94, mainly because I worked hard on it and pride myself about it. The crouch tunnel seems like an good idea to me, so I would keep it there. PLEASE give me suggestions, to improve this map.

Awesome map, if I say so myself.. :)
Suggestions are MOST welcome, and please enjoy this map.. Play it online with about 20 people
You might want to use the experimental server

The first stage release got me a good rating, with most people online rating it about 8~ out of 10
Then I added another path to RVSF and CLA

The story is, CLA (Terrorists) have captured the safes which contain quite a sum of money, and hostages. RVSF (Government forces) have rescued the hostages with some kills and losses. Now they are ordered to kill all terrorists and retrieve the money. CLA would have to defend the money they took from the safes at all costs and if they have a chance they must seize control of the enemy base.
If anyone has a better story, I would use that one ^^

ac_storage (By SharpShooter).zip (74.49 KB)
 (10 votes)
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