This config file adds a new particle menu and extends the existing entity editing menu (tab, by default) to allow easy editing of particle properties. The menus are different based on the type of particle being edited, and allow separate editing of color channels for particle types which use only a single argument for color.
To use the particle menus, you'll need to add this to the "newent" gui:
guibutton "particles.." "showgui newparticles"
You will also need to remove the initentgui alias and the line starting "newentgui particles" from near the end of your menus.cfg. After that, simply add "exec particlemenus.cfg" to your autoexec.cfg, and you should be good to go.
In-game, you can find the new particles menu under the new entity editing sub-menu; the particles editing menu replaces the entity editing menu's particle attr tab, as well as adding a new tab to change the particle type.
* Update 12/13/07
** Entity editing menu now re-opens automatically when particle type is changed.
** Fixed "Explosing" typo.
** Properly initialized "particlemultiname".
* Update 12/14/07
** Removed auto-re-opening feature in entity editing menu that was causing the menu to need escape to be hit twice to close the menu.
* Update 12/19/07
** Fixed typo in Lens Flare section (RGB maximum value).
* Update 12/20/07
** Added working automatic re-opening feature to quicked menu (thanks, Hirato!)
** Added support for Lightning (type 7) particles (thanks, Hirato!)
* Update 12/24/07
** Added support for Fire, Smoke, Water particles and multi-particles.
* Update 1/10/08
** Fixed error message on first load: "unknown lookup: particlealiases".
** Fixed improper initialization of particlecaptype (Capture Meter bug).