I made this in terragen for an upcoming map(it took 5 minutes) extract to: c:\program files\Sauerbraten\packages\ and type /loadsky farcry/farcry15 to load ENJOY!!!
HINT:do some googling for terragen and a skybox tutorial
i know it looks similar to some stock skyboxes but trust me, i made it
-=We are the w00t=-
you couldn't get a shot without the HUD ... like .. uh ... a single face of the skybox !?! Oh - and please replace the RAR with a ZIP. Thanks.
why make a skybox pretty much the same as the others
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.freewebs.com/bigm0nkey/index.htm
right now i can't upload mod to quadropolis...it waits.... waits....waits.....and an error help me pls