Pxtl | 2005-05-26 19:28

Aardappel has announced his first relatively stable release of Sauerbraten. We've had a whole day and still no maps yet - I'm kinda disappointed.

Go get it. The first decent map I see is going on the front page. Shadow, Staffy, Bltchgranmda, and Nieb posted maps for older versions of Sauer, which they should update for the new version - at least show us some shadow-mapped screenshots.

shadow | 2005-04-27 01:23
Medium-sized castle for Sauer
Castylvania.zip (36.13 KB)
staffy | 2005-03-11 10:36
Another test map.
YADSM...In the latest release.
staffy2.zip (11.54 KB)
staffy | 2005-03-05 06:14
Staffy dm1... In the latest release
points ]
 (1 vote)
My first attempt at making a decent sauerbraten map.
Staffy dm1... In the latest release
stdm1.zip (83.33 KB)
Nieb | 2005-01-21 00:59
points ]
 (3 votes)
This content is now included in the official release of the game, so you do not need to download it if you already have the latest release. The content stored here may not reflect the copy the game uses.
An arena map for sauer...
nmp4_01-19-2005.zip (36.95 KB)
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