//NOTE. Use with Cube 22.08.2005 or sauerbraten 2006.02.27 physics edition or later. //place the following lines in autoexec.cfg or wherever you put your other scripts //zoom by rootnis alias hg $hudgun alias prevfov $fov alias prevsens $sensitivity alias rzoom [ if ( > $fov 12 ) [ fov ( - $fov 4 ) if ( > $sensitivity 3 ) [ sensitivity ( - $sensitivity 1 ) ] //echo $fov $sensitivity //these values are proportional all the time if starting ones are 120 and 30 if ( continue ) [ sleep 25 rzoom ] ] ] bind mouse2 [ alias continue 1 if ( < $fov $prevfov ) [ fov $prevfov; sensitivity $prevsens; hudgun $hg ] [ hudgun 0; rzoom ] onrelease [ alias continue 0 ] ]