// standard menu definitions // don't modify, add personal menus to autoexec.cfg instead togglemainmenu = [ if (! (cleargui 1)) [ showgui (? (isconnected) multiplayer main) ] ] bind ESCAPE [togglemainmenu] newgui main [ guibutton "multiplayer.." "showgui multiplayer" guibutton "bot match.." "showgui botmatch" guibutton "campaign.." "showgui campaign" guibutton "load map.." "showgui maps" guibutton "editing.." "showgui editing" guibutton "options.." "showgui options" guibutton "about.." "showgui about" guibutton "quit" "quit" "exit" ] newgui about [ guitext "Cube 2: Sauerbraten" guitext [by Wouter "Aardappel" van Oortmerssen, Lee "eihrul" Salzman,] guitext [Mike "Gilt" Dysart, Robert "baby-rabbit" Pointon,] guitext [John "geartrooper" Siar, Quinton "Quin" Reeves, and others] guitext "(for a full list of contributors see the readme)" guitext "http://sauerbraten.org/" ] maprotation = [ n = (listlen $arg1) loop i $n [ curmap = (at $arg1 $i) next = (mod (+ $i 1) $n) nextmap = (at $arg1 $next) (if (= $numargs 2) [concatword nextmap_ $arg2 $curmap] [concatword nextmap_ $curmap]) = $nextmap ] ] genmapitems = [ looplist curmap $arg1 [ guibutton $curmap (concat map $curmap) "cube" ] ] //17 mainmaps = "complex douze ot academy metl2 metl3 justice turbine mbt2 fanatic_quake dock curvy_castle duel8 nmp8 tartech aard3c industry" moremaps1 = "alloy ruine mbt10 park refuge curvedm kalking1 hog2 kffa fragplaza pgdm neondevastation memento neonpanic shindou sdm1 island" moremaps2 = "DM_BS1 shinmei1 osiris injustice powerplant phosgene oasis metl4 ruby frozen dune wake5 killfactory orbe roughinery shadowed torment" moremaps3 = "duel7 pitch_black oddworld aqueducts akaritori konkuri-to moonlite castle_trap orion katrez_d thor frostbyte ogrosupply kmap5 thetowers guacamole tejen" moremaps4 = "suburb stemple ksauer1 deathtek hades corruption paradigm lostinspace wdcd darkdeath" capturemaps1 = "urban_c nevil_c fb_capture nmp9 c_valley lostinspace fc3 face-capture nmp4 nmp8 hallo tempest monastery ph-capture hades fc4 relic" capturemaps2 = "fc5 paradigm corruption asteroids ogrosupply reissen akroseum duomo frostbyte c_egypt caribbean dust2 campo killcore3 damnation arabic cwcastle" capturemaps3 = "suburb abbey venice mercury core_transfer xenon forge tortuga core_refuge infamy tejen capture_night river_c serenity" ctfmaps1 = "hallo flagstone tempest capture_night reissen tejen shipwreck authentic urban_c bt_falls l_ctf face-capture valhalla mbt1 mach2 dust2 berlin_wall" ctfmaps2 = "mercury akroseum europium abbey redemption damnation forge campo nitro core_refuge xenon desecration sacrifice core_transfer recovery infamy tortuga" ctfmaps3 = "wdcd" conceptmaps = "ladder spiralz canyon secondevermap firstevermap door_demo box_demo platform_demo" spmaps = "mpsp6a mpsp6b mpsp6c mpsp9a mpsp9b mpsp9c mpsp10 lost level9" allmaps = (concat $mainmaps $moremaps1 $moremaps2 $moremaps3 $moremaps4 $capturemaps1 $capturemaps2 $capturemaps3 $ctfmaps1 $ctfmaps2 $ctfmaps3 $conceptmaps $spmaps) maprotation (concat $mainmaps $moremaps1 $moremaps2 $moremaps3 $moremaps4) maprotation (concat $capturemaps1 $capturemaps2 $capturemaps3) capture_ maprotation (concat $ctfmaps1 $ctfmaps2 $ctfmaps3) ctf_ alias showmapshot [ guibar; guiimage (concatword "packages/base/" (if (> $numargs 0) [result $arg1] [result (at $guirollovername 0)]) ".jpg") $guirolloveraction 4 1 "data/cube.png"] newgui maps [ guilist [ guilist [ genmapitems $mainmaps ] showmapshot ] guitab 2 guilist [ guilist [ genmapitems $moremaps1 ] guilist [ genmapitems $moremaps2 ] showmapshot ] guitab 3 guilist [ guilist [ genmapitems $moremaps3 ] guilist [ genmapitems $moremaps4 ] showmapshot ] guitab capture guilist [ guilist [ genmapitems $capturemaps1 ] guilist [ genmapitems $capturemaps2 ] showmapshot ] guitab 2 guilist [ guilist [ genmapitems $capturemaps3 ] showmapshot ] guitab ctf guilist [ guilist [ genmapitems $ctfmaps1 ] guilist [ genmapitems $ctfmaps2 ] showmapshot ] guitab 2 guilist [ guilist [ genmapitems $ctfmaps3 ] showmapshot ] guitab concept guilist [ guilist [ genmapitems $conceptmaps ] showmapshot ] ] newgui capturemaps [ guilist [ guilist [ genmapitems $capturemaps1 ] guilist [ genmapitems $capturemaps2 ] showmapshot ] guitab 2 guilist [ guilist [ genmapitems $capturemaps3 ] showmapshot ] ] "capture maps" newgui ctfmaps [ guilist [ guilist [ genmapitems $ctfmaps1 ] guilist [ genmapitems $ctfmaps2 ] showmapshot ] guitab 2 guilist [ guilist [ genmapitems $ctfmaps3 ] showmapshot ] ] "ctf maps" custommaps = "" newgui custommaps [ looplist curmap $custommaps [ guibutton $curmap (concat map $curmap) "cube" ] ] "custom maps" showcustommaps = [ custommaps = "" loopfiles curmap "packages/base" "ogz" [ if (< (indexof $allmaps $curmap) 0) [ custommaps = (concat $custommaps $curmap) ] ] showgui custommaps ] macro playermodelbutton [cleargui 1; playermodel %1] newgui playermodel [ guilist [ guilist [ loop i $playermodelnum [ guibutton (playermodelname $i) (playermodelbutton $i) (playermodeldir $i) ] ] guibar pmidx = (substr $guirolloveraction (strlen (playermodelbutton ""))) pmidx = (max 0 (min (- $playermodelnum 1) $pmidx)) guilist [ guiimage (concatword "packages/models/" (playermodeldir $pmidx) "/preview.jpg") $guirolloveraction 4 1 "data/cube.png" guitextbox (playermodelstory $pmidx) 40 12 ] ] ] crosshairs = ["data/crosshair.png data/hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/x.png packages/crosshairs/x-hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/x_dot.png packages/crosshairs/x_dot-hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/o.png packages/crosshairs/o-hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/o_x.png packages/crosshairs/o_x-hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/o_dot.png packages/crosshairs/o_dot-hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/dot.png packages/crosshairs/dot-hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/dot_wide.png packages/crosshairs/dot_wide-hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/star.png packages/crosshairs/star-hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/wide.png packages/crosshairs/wide-hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/circle_dot.png packages/crosshairs/circle_dot_hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/cross_normal.png packages/crosshairs/cross_normal_hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/cross_whole.png packages/crosshairs/cross_whole_hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/dot_normal.png packages/crosshairs/dot_normal_hit.png" "packages/crosshairs/dot_whole.png packages/crosshairs/dot_whole_hit.png" ] newgui crosshair [ guitext "crosshair size" guislider crosshairsize loop row (div (+ (listlen $crosshairs) 6) 7) [ guilist [ loop col 7 [ ch = (at $crosshairs (+ (* $row 7) $col)) if (!=s $ch "") [ guiimage (at $ch 0) [ cleargui 1 loadcrosshair @(at $ch 0) 0 loadcrosshair @(at $ch (if (> (listlen $ch) 1) 1 0)) 2 ] 0.5 ] ] ] ] ] newgui master [ guistayopen [ guibutton "claim master" "setmaster 1" guibutton "relinquish master" "setmaster 0" guilist [ guitext "mastermode: " mm = (getmastermode) guiradio "open (0) " mm 0 "mastermode 0" guiradio "veto (1) " mm 1 "mastermode 1" guiradio "locked (2) " mm 2 "mastermode 2" guiradio "private (3) " mm 3 "mastermode 3" ] guibar looplist cn (listclients) [ guilist [ guitext (concatword (getclientname $cn) ": ") (getclienticon $cn) guibutton "kick " (concat "kick" $cn) guibutton "toggle spectator " (concat "spectator" (= (isspectator $cn) 0) $cn) guibutton "switch team " (concat "setteam" $cn (if (strcmp (getclientteam $cn) "good") [result "evil"] [result "good"])) ] ] ] ] newgui multiplayer [ guilist [ guitext "name: " (playermodeldir) newname = (getname) guifield newname 15 [name $newname] ] guibutton (concat "model:" (playermodelname)) [guirolloveraction = (playermodelbutton $playermodel); showgui playermodel] (playermodeldir) guilist [ guibutton "crosshair: " [showgui crosshair] (playermodeldir) guiimage (getcrosshair) [showgui crosshair] 0.5 ] guibar guibutton "server browser.." "showgui servers" if (isconnected) [ guibar if (|| $editing (m_edit (getmode))) [ guibutton "editing.." "showgui editing" ] guibutton "vote game mode / map.." "showgui gamemode" // guibutton "lanconnect" // guibutton "connect localhost" guibutton "switch team" [if (strcmp (getteam) "good") [team evil] [team good]] guibutton "toggle spectator" [spectator (! (isspectator (getclientnum)))] "spectator" guibutton "master.." [showgui master] guibar guibutton "options.." "showgui options" guibutton "disconnect" "disconnect" "exit" ] ] botmatchcount = 5 botmatchminskill = 50 botmatchmaxskill = 100 startbotmatch = [ if (isconnected) [ echo "You must disconnect from the current multiplayer game before starting a bot match." ] [ loop i $botmatchcount [addbot (+ $botmatchmaxskill 1) $botmatchminskill] ] ] newgui botmatch [ guitext "bot amount" guislider botmatchcount 1 32 guitext "bot minimum skill" guislider botmatchminskill 50 101 [if (< $botmatchmaxskill $botmatchminskill) [botmatchmaxskill = $botmatchminskill]] guitext "bot maximum skill" guislider botmatchmaxskill 50 101 [if (> $botmatchminskill $botmatchmaxskill) [botmatchminskill = $botmatchmaxskill]] guibutton "start match.." [guionclear [startbotmatch]; showgui gamemode] ] "bot match" newgui campaign [ guibutton "start Private Stan Sauer" "showgui privatestansauer" guibutton "start An Army Of One" "showgui armyofone" guibutton "start Lost" "sp lost" "cube" guibutton "start Level 9" "sp level9" "cube" guibar guibutton "start DMSP map.." "mode -2; showgui maps" guicheckbox "slow motion" "slowmosp" guitext "skill (default: 3)" guislider skill ] newgui armyofone [ guilist [ guilist [ guibutton "Part I" "sp mpsp6a" "cube" guibutton "Part II" "sp mpsp6b" "cube" guibutton "Part III" "sp mpsp6c" "cube" ] showmapshot (substr $guirolloveraction 3) ] ] "An Army Of One" newgui privatestansauer [ guilist [ guilist [ guibutton "Run N' Gun Part I" "sp mpsp9a" "cube" guibutton "Run N' Gun Part II" "sp mpsp9b" "cube" guibutton "Run N' Gun Part III" "sp mpsp9c" "cube" guibutton "THE SERIOUSLY BIG VALLEY" "sp mpsp10" "cube" ] showmapshot (substr $guirolloveraction 3) ] ] "Private Stan Sauer" newgui servers [ guistayopen [ guilist [ guibutton "update server list from master server" "updatefrommaster" guibar guicheckbox "search LAN" searchlan ] ] guibar guiservers ] newgui gamemode [ guilist [ guilist [ guibutton "ffa" "mode 0; showgui maps" guibutton "coop-edit" "mode 1; showgui maps" guibutton "teamplay" "mode 2; showgui maps" guibutton "instagib" "mode 3; showgui maps" guibutton "instagib team" "mode 4; showgui maps" guibutton "efficiency" "mode 5; showgui maps" guibutton "efficiency team" "mode 6; showgui maps" guibutton "tactics" "mode 7; showgui maps" guibutton "tactics team" "mode 8; showgui maps" ] guibar guilist [ guibutton "capture" "mode 9; showgui capturemaps" guibutton "regen capture" "mode 10; showgui capturemaps" guibutton "ctf" "mode 11; showgui ctfmaps" guibutton "insta ctf" "mode 12; showgui ctfmaps" guibutton "efficiency ctf" "mode 17; showgui ctfmaps" guibutton "protect" "mode 13; showgui ctfmaps" guibutton "insta protect" "mode 14; showgui ctfmaps" guibutton "efficiency protect" "mode 18; showgui ctfmaps" guibutton "hold" "mode 15; showgui capturemaps" guibutton "insta hold" "mode 16; showgui capturemaps" guibutton "efficiency hold" "mode 19; showgui capturemaps" ] ] ] showfileeditor = [ guinoautotab [ guieditor $arg1 $arg2 $arg3 textinit $arg1 $arg1 guistayopen [ guilist [ guibutton "load" [textfocus @arg1; textload @arg1] guibar guibutton "save" [textfocus @arg1; textsave @arg1] guibar guibutton "exec" [textfocus @arg1; textexec] guibar guibutton "copy" [textfocus @arg1; textcopy] guibar guibutton "paste" [textfocus @arg1; textpaste] guibar guibutton "select" [textfocus @arg1; textselectall] guibar guibutton "clear" [textfocus @arg1; textclear] ] ] ] ] notepadfile = "untitled.txt" newgui notepad [ guifield notepadfile -30 showfileeditor $notepadfile -80 20 ] notepad = [ if (> $numargs 0) [notepadfile = $arg1] showgui notepad ] newgui pastebuffer [ guinoautotab [ guieditor "#pastebuffer" -80 20 guistayopen [ guilist [ guibutton "exec" [textfocus "#pastebuffer"; textexec] guibar guibutton "clear" [textfocus "#pastebuffer"; textclear] ] ] ] ] pastebuffer = [showgui pastebuffer] newgui scratchpad [ guinoautotab [ guieditor "#scratchpad" -80 20 guistayopen [ guilist [ guibutton "exec" [textfocus "#scratchpad"; textexec] guibar guibutton "copy" [textfocus "#scratchpad"; textcopy] guibar guibutton "paste" [textfocus "#scratchpad"; textpaste] guibar guibutton "select" [textfocus "#scratchpad"; textselectall] guibar guibutton "clear" [textfocus "#scratchpad"; textclear] ] ] ] ] scratchpad = [showgui scratchpad] newmapsize = 12 savemap_name = temp newgui editing [ guibutton "materials.." "showgui materials" guibutton "toggle edit mode (E)" "edittoggle" guibutton "toggle heightmap (H)" "" guibutton "deselect (SPACE)" "cancelsel" guibutton "passthrough (hold ALT)" "passthrough" guibutton "select drag left mouse " "" guibutton "select corners drag middle mouse " "" guibutton "extend selection right mouse" "" guibutton "reorient right mouse" "" guibutton "move selection drag right mouse" "" guibutton "copy (C)" "copy" guibutton "paste (V)" "paste" guitab ents guilist [ guilist [ guibutton "drop entities.." "showgui dropent" guibutton "mapmodels.." "showgui mapmodels" guibutton "light.." "resetlight;showgui newlight" guibutton "newent playerstart " guibutton "newent shells" guibutton "newent bullets" guibutton "newent rockets" guibutton "newent riflerounds" guibutton "newent grenades" guibutton "particles" "resetfire;showgui newparticles" ] guilist [ guibutton "teleport.." "showgui newteleport" guibutton "monster.." "showgui monsters" guibutton "trigger.." "showgui triggers" guibutton "newent cartridges" guibutton "newent health" guibutton "newent healthboost" guibutton "newent greenarmour" guibutton "newent yellowarmour" guibutton "newent quaddamage" ] ] guitab keys guibutton "flip / mirror cube (X)" "flip" guibutton "undo (Z, U)" "undo" guibutton "redo (I)" "redo" guibutton "delete (BACKSPACE)" "editdel" guibutton "texture palette (F2)" "showtexgui" guibutton "edit entity gui (F3)" "showentgui" guibutton "mapmodels list (F4)" "showgui mapmodels" guibutton "select all in box (keypad ENTER)" "entselect insel" guibutton "select all matching (N)" "selentfindall" guibutton "center view on ent (COMMA + scroll)" "entautoview" guibutton "edit entity console (PERIOD)" "selentedit" guitext "toggle heightmap tex (MMB in heightmapmode)" guicheckbox "toggle outline (7)" outline guicheckbox "toggle wireframe (8)" wireframe guitab scroll guitext "push/pull selection scroll wheel only" guitext "push the face of a cube hold F + scroll wheel" guitext "change gridsize hold G + scroll wheel" guitext "change textures hold Y + scroll wheel" guitext "rotate hold R + scroll wheel" guitext "push corner with cursor hold Q + scroll wheel" guitext "push/pull heightmap hold LCTRL + scroll wheel" guitext "change heightmap brush hold B + scroll wheel" guitab lighting guibutton "calclight 1 (slow: 8xAA)" "calclight 1" guibutton "calclight -1 (quick: no AA, no model shadows)" "calclight -1" guibutton "patchlight" "patchlight" guicheckbox "fullbright" fullbright guitext "lightprecision (default: 32)" guilistslider lightprecision "8 16 32 48 64 128 256" guitext "lighterror (default: 8)" guislider lighterror guitext "lightthreads (CPU threads/cores) (default: 1)" guislider lightthreads //guibutton "lightlod high (6)" "lightlod 6" //guibutton "lightlod low (2)" "lightlod 2" //guibutton "lightlod off (0)" "lightlod 0" guitab blend guitext "blend paint mode:" guiradio "off (keypad 0)" blendpaintmode 0 guiradio "replace (keypad 1)" blendpaintmode 1 guiradio "dig (keypad 2)" blendpaintmode 2 guiradio "fill (keypad 3)" blendpaintmode 3 guiradio "inverted dig (keypad 4)" blendpaintmode 4 guiradio "inverted fill (keypad 5)" blendpaintmode 5 guibar guitext "paint blendmap (MOUSE1)" guibutton "change blend brush scroll wheel" "nextblendbrush" guibutton "rotate blend brush (MOUSE2)" "rotateblendbrush" guibutton "clear entire blendmap (^"clearblendmap^" command)" "clearblendmap" guibutton "clear blendmap in selection (^"clearblendmapsel^" command)" "clearblendmapsel" guitab mapop guitext Savemap: guifield savemap_name 20 [ savemap $savemap_name ] guibutton [load @savemap_name map] "map $savemap_name" guibutton "newmap (default size: 12)" "newmap $newmapsize" guislider "newmapsize" 10 16 guibutton "increase mapsize (2x)" "mapenlarge" guitext "max undo size (default: 5 MB)" guislider "undomegs" 1 10 guibutton "optimize geometry" "remip" guibutton "set map title/author" "saycommand [/maptitle ]" guitab skybox guilist [ guistayopen [ guilist [ genskyitems $skies1 ] guilist [ genskyitems $skies2 ] showskyshot ] ] guitab cfg guitext (mapcfgname) showfileeditor (mapcfgname) -50 12 ] skies1 = [ aftas/sky/orbe blikjebier/skybox/grey64 blindabuser/blindasky blindabuser/blindasky2 darc/forge dash/moon hazel/green humus/meadow ik2k/env/iklake jon/prarie kaiser/sky/haze mayhem/duomo mayhem/eclipse meister/uzze penguins/arid penguins/wrath ratboy/skyboxes/coward ] skies2 = [ shmutzwurst/london skyboxes/black skyboxes/clearsky052 skyboxes/evilsky skyboxes/morning skyboxes/remus/sky01 socksky/desert socksky/emerald socksky/frozen socksky/frozendusk socksky/grave socksky/mars socksky/nightball socksky/valley staffy/staffy ] genskyitems = [ n = (listlen $arg1) loop i $n [ cursky = (at $arg1 $i) guibutton $cursky (concat skybox $cursky) //"cube" ] ] alias showskyshot [ guibar; guiimage (concatword "packages/" (if (> $numargs 0) [result $arg1] [result (at $guirollovername 0)]) "_ft.jpg") $guirolloveraction 4 1 "data/cube.png"] newgui materials [ guibutton "air" "editmat air" guibutton "water" "editmat water" guibutton "lava" "editmat lava" guibutton "clip" "editmat clip" guibutton "glass" "editmat glass" guibutton "noclip" "editmat noclip" guibutton "gameclip" "editmat gameclip" guibutton "death" "editmat death" guibutton "alpha" "editmat alpha" guicheckbox "show material volumes" showmat //guibutton "waterlod very high (3)" "waterlod 3" //guibutton "waterlod high (2)" "waterlod 2" //guibutton "waterlod default (1)" "waterlod 1" //guibutton "waterlod low (0)" "waterlod 0" //guibutton "watersubdiv very fine (0)" "watersubdiv 0" //guibutton "watersubdiv fine (1)" "watersubdiv 1" //guibutton "watersubdiv default (2)" "watersubdiv 2" //guibutton "watersubdiv coarse (3)" "watersubdiv 3" //guibutton "water waves on" "waterwaves 1" //guibutton "water waves off" "waterwaves 0" ] setting_entediting = 1 newgui dropent [ guitext "drop entities:" guiradio "to the floor" entdrop 1 guiradio "on selection" entdrop 2 guiradio "to the floor at selection" entdrop 3 guiradio "at current position" entdrop 0 guibar guicheckbox "entity snap-to-grid" entselsnap guicheckbox "entity selection" setting_entediting 1 0 [ entediting $setting_entediting ] ] newgui triggers [ guibutton [invisible] [BTmm = -1; showgui trigger2] guibutton [a carrot] [BTmm = 23; showgui trigger2] guibutton [switch #1] [BTmm = 24; showgui trigger2] guibutton [switch #2] [BTmm = 25; showgui trigger2] guibutton [door #1] [BTmm = 26; showgui trigger2] guibutton [door #2] [BTmm = 27; showgui trigger2] guibutton [door #3] [BTmm = 28; showgui trigger2] ] newgui trigger2 [ guibutton [animation loop] [BTtt = 0; showgui trigger3] guibutton [trigger once (popback)] [BTtt = 1; showgui trigger3] guibutton [trigger once (popback & rumble)] [BTtt = 2; showgui trigger3] guibutton [trigger once] [BTtt = 3; showgui trigger3] guibutton [trigger once (rumble)] [BTtt = 4; showgui trigger3] guibutton [trigger multiple (popback)] [BTtt = 5; showgui trigger3] guibutton [trigger multiple (popback & rumble)] [BTtt = 6; showgui trigger3] guibutton [trigger multiple] [BTtt = 7; showgui trigger3] guibutton [trigger multiple (rumble)] [BTtt = 8; showgui trigger3] guibutton [door (open once)] [BTtt = 9; showgui trigger3] guibutton [door (auto close)] [BTtt = 10; showgui trigger3] guibutton [door (locked)] [BTtt = 11; showgui trigger3] guibutton [vanishing trigger] [BTtt = 12; showgui trigger3] guibutton [vanishing trigger (rumble)] [BTtt = 13; showgui trigger3] guibutton [End Of Level Trigger] [BTtt = 29; showgui trigger3] ] build_trigger = [newent mapmodel $BTmm $BTtt $BTti] newgui trigger3 [ loop i 9 [ tjt = (concat tag (concatword # $i)) tjc = (concat BTti "=" $i ";" "build_trigger") guibutton $tjt $tjc ] ] resetlight = [ lightcolour = 0 lightbright = 1 lightset 255 255 255 lightradius = 128 ] lightset = [ lightr = $arg1 lightg = $arg2 lightb = $arg3 if (= $lightbright 0) lightscale ] lightscale = [ if (= $lightbright 0) [ lightr = (div $lightr 2); lightg = (div $lightg 2); lightb = (div $lightb 2) ] [ lightr = (min 255 (* $lightr 2)); lightg = (min 255 (* $lightg 2)); lightb = (min 255 (* $lightb 2)) ] ] lightcmd = [ result (concat newent light $lightradius $lightr $lightg $lightb) ] newgui newlight [ guibutton "sunlight" "newent light 0 255 255 255" guibutton (lightcmd) guibar guitext "color:" guicolor (+ (* (+ (* $lightr 256) $lightg) 256) $lightb) guislider lightr 0 255 guislider lightg 0 255 guislider lightb 0 255 guilist [ guicheckbox "bright" lightbright 1 0 [lightscale] guibar guiradio "white" lightcolour 0 [lightset 255 255 255] guiradio "blue" lightcolour 1 [lightset 192 192 255] guiradio "red" lightcolour 2 [lightset 255 192 192] guiradio "green" lightcolour 3 [lightset 192 255 192] guiradio "yellow" lightcolour 4 [lightset 255 255 192] guiradio "purple" lightcolour 5 [lightset 255 192 255] guiradio "turquoise" lightcolour 6 [lightset 192 255 255] ] guitext "radius:" guislider lightradius 0 512 ] newgui newteleport [ guibutton "newent teleport 1" guibutton "newent teledest 1" guibutton "newent teleport 2" guibutton "newent teledest 2" guibutton "newent teleport 3" guibutton "newent teledest 3" guibutton "newent teleport 4" guibutton "newent teledest 4" ] newgui mapmodels [ loop i (nummapmodels) [ guibutton (mapmodelname $i) (concat newent mapmodel $i) ] ] newgui monsters [ guibutton "ogro / fireball" "newent monster 0" guibutton "rhino / chaingun" "newent monster 1" guibutton "ratamahatta / shotgun" "newent monster 2" guibutton "slith / rifle" "newent monster 3" guibutton "bauul / RL" "newent monster 4" guibutton "hellpig / bite" "newent monster 5" guibutton "knight / iceball" "newent monster 6" guibutton "goblin / slimeball" "newent monster 7" guibutton "spider / grenade" "newent monster 8" ] newgui postfx [ guibutton "(effect OFF)" "clearpostfx" guibutton "bloom (subtle: 30%)" "bloom 0.3" guibutton "bloom (bright: 55%)" "bloom 0.55" guibutton "bloom (intense: 80%)" "bloom 0.8" guibutton "rotoscope" "rotoscope 1" guibutton "rotoscope + blur3" "rotoscope 1 1" guibutton "rotoscope + blur5" "rotoscope 1 2" guibutton "sobel" "setpostfx sobel" guibutton "invert" "setpostfx invert" guibutton "gbr" "setpostfx gbr" guibutton "bw" "setpostfx bw" guibutton "blur3" "setpostfx hblur3; addpostfx vblur3" guibutton "blur5" "setpostfx hblur5; addpostfx vblur5" ] macro resbutton [ guibutton "%1x%2" "screenres %1 %2" (if (&& (= $scr_w %1) (= $scr_h %2)) [result "radio_on"] [result "radio_off"]) ] newgui newparticles [ guibutton "colored fire with smoke" [newent particles 0 0 0 0xF70] guibutton "steam vent" [newent particles 1 0 0 ] guibutton "water fountain" [showgui fountain] guibutton "explosion" [showgui explosion] guibutton "streak/flare" [showgui streak] guibutton "capture meter" [showgui capturem] guibutton "lightning" [showgui lightning] guibutton "steam" [showgui steam] guibutton "water" [showgui water] guibutton "flames without smoke" [showgui flame] guibutton "smoke plume" [showgui smoke] guibutton "plain lens flare" [showgui lens] guibutton "lens flare with sparkle center" [showgui lens] guibutton "sun lens flare (fixed size)" [showgui lens] guibutton "sun lens flare with sparkle center" [showgui lens] newgui options [ guicheckbox "show FPS" showfps guilist [ guicheckbox "wall clock" wallclock if $wallclock [ guibar guicheckbox "24 hour" wallclock24 guibar guicheckbox "seconds" wallclocksecs ] ] guicheckbox "2D menus" gui2d guicheckbox "show scoreboard at death" deathscore guilist [ guicheckbox "damage screen" damagescreen guibar guicheckbox "damage compass" damagecompass ] guilist [ guicheckbox "hudguns" hudgun if $hudgun [ guibar guicheckbox "sway" hudgunsway guibar guicheckbox "muzzle flash" muzzleflash guibar guicheckbox "muzzle light" muzzlelight ] ] guicheckbox "blood" blood guilist [ guicheckbox "ragdoll deaths" ragdoll if $ragdoll [ guibar guicheckbox "keep after respawn" ragdollmillis 10000 ] ] guitext "ragdoll velocity multiplier" guislider deadpush guilist [ guicheckbox "fullbright player models" fullbrightmodels 60 0 if $fullbrightmodels [ guibar guiradio "subtle" fullbrightmodels 60 guibar guiradio "bright" fullbrightmodels 100 guibar guiradio "overbright" fullbrightmodels 150 ] ] guilist [ guicheckbox "force matching player models" forceplayermodels guibar guicheckbox "always use team skins" teamskins ] guilist [ guicheckbox "outline capture meters" outlinemeters guibar guicheckbox "numbered capture bases" basenumbers ] guicheckbox "hit sound" hitsound guilist [ guicheckbox "crosshair color effects" crosshairfx if $crosshairfx [ guibar guicheckbox "teammates" teamcrosshair guibar guicheckbox "hits" hitcrosshair 425 ] ] guibar guibutton "restore defaults (clears ALL settings)" "exec restore.cfg" guitab "gfx" guitext "performance key: ^f0fast^f~, ^f2moderate^f~, ^f3slow and pretty^f~" guibar if (&& (< $shaders 0) (= $renderpath 0)) [ guicheckbox "^f2shaders " shaders 1 -1 ] [ guilist [ guicheckbox "^f2shaders " shaders if $shaders [ guibar guiradio "^f0low detail" shaderdetail 1 guibar guiradio "^f2high detail" shaderdetail 3 //if $hasglsl [ // guibar // guicheckbox "^f3GLSL only" forceglsl //] ] ] ] guilist [ guitext "water " guibar guicheckbox "^f2refraction" waterrefract guibar guicheckbox "^f3reflection" waterreflect guibar guicheckbox "^f0caustics" caustics guibar guicheckbox "^f0animation" vertwater ] if (> $renderpath 0) [ guilist [ guitext "waterfalls " guibar guicheckbox "^f2refraction" waterfallrefract guibar guicheckbox "^f0reflection" waterfallenv ] ] if (= $renderpath 0) [ guilist [ guicheckbox "^f3shadow maps " shadowmap if $shadowmap [ guibar guiradio "^f2medium quality" shadowmapsize 9 [blurshadowmap 1] guibar guiradio "^f3high quality" shadowmapsize 10 [blurshadowmap 2] ] [ guibar guicheckbox "^f0blob shadows" blobs ] ] if (>= $maxtmus 3) [ guicheckbox "^f2dynamic lights " ffdynlights 5 0 ] ] [ guilist [ guicheckbox "^f3soft shadows " shadowmap if $shadowmap [ guibar guiradio "^f2medium quality" shadowmapsize 9 [blurshadowmap 1] guibar guiradio "^f3high quality" shadowmapsize 10 [blurshadowmap 2] ] [ guibar guicheckbox "^f0blob shadows" blobs ] ] if $glare [ glarepreset = 0 if (= $glarescale 1) [ if (= $blurglare 4) [glarepreset = 1] if (= $blurglare 7) [glarepreset = 3] ] if (= $glarescale 2) [ if (= $blurglare 3) [glarepreset = 2] if (= $blurglare 7) [glarepreset = 4] ] guilist [ guicheckbox "^f3glare " glare guibar guiradio "^f2subtle" glarepreset 1 [blurglare 4; glarescale 1] guibar guiradio "^f2glowy" glarepreset 2 [blurglare 3; glarescale 2] guibar guiradio "^f3soft" glarepreset 3 [blurglare 7; glarescale 1] guibar guiradio "^f3intense" glarepreset 4 [blurglare 7; glarescale 2] ] ] [ guicheckbox "^f3glare" glare ] ] if $usetexrect [ guilist [ guicheckbox "^f3motion blur " motionblur if $motionblur [ guibar guiradio "^f3subtle" motionblurscale 0.5 guibar guiradio "^f3moderate" motionblurscale 0.65 guibar guiradio "^f3intense" motionblurscale 0.8 ] ] ] guilist [ guicheckbox "^f3grass " grass if $grass [ guibar guiradio "^f2quick fade" grassdist 128 guibar guiradio "^f2moderate fade" grassdist 256 guibar guiradio "^f3slow fade" grassdist 512 ] ] if (> $renderpath 0) [ guilist [ guicheckbox "^f0dynamic lights " maxdynlights 3 0 if $maxdynlights [ guibar guiradio "^f0medium quality" maxdynlights 3 guibar guiradio "^f2high quality" maxdynlights 5 ] ] guilist [ guicheckbox "^f0soft particles " depthfx if $depthfx [ guibar guiradio "^f0low quality" depthfxsize 7 [depthfxrect 0; depthfxfilter 1; blurdepthfx 1] guibar guiradio "^f2medium quality" depthfxsize 10 [depthfxrect 1; depthfxfilter 0; blurdepthfx 0] guibar guiradio "^f3high quality" depthfxsize 12 [depthfxrect 1; depthfxfilter 0; blurdepthfx 0] ] ] ] guicheckbox "^f0glass reflection" glassenv guilist [ guicheckbox "^f0decals " decals if $decals [ guibar guiradio "^f0quick fade" decalfade 10000 [maxdecaltris 1024] guibar guiradio "^f2slow fade" decalfade 60000 [maxdecaltris 4096] ] ] guicheckbox "^f0fix t-joints (world sparklies)" filltjoints guilist [ guitext "textures " guibar guiradio "^f0low quality" maxtexsize 256 guibar guiradio "^f2high quality" maxtexsize 0 ] guilist [ guitext "models " guibar guicheckbox "^f0lighting" lightmodels guibar guicheckbox "^f0reflection" envmapmodels guibar guicheckbox "^f0glow" glowmodels if (> $renderpath 0) [ guibar guicheckbox "^f2bumpmap" bumpmodels ] ] guilist [ guitext "animation " guibar guiradio "^f0medium quality" matskel 1 guibar guiradio "^f0high quality" matskel 0 ] guitab "display" guicheckbox "v-sync" vsync 1 0 guicheckbox "fullscreen" fullscreen guitext "gamma (default: 100)" guislider gamma guitext "full-scene anti-aliasing (default: -1)" guilistslider fsaa "-1 0 2 4 8 16" guitext "color depth (default: 0)" guilistslider colorbits "0 16 24 32" guitext "z-buffer depth (default: 0)" guilistslider depthbits "0 16 24 32" guitext "stencil bits (default: 1)" guislider stencilbits guitext "anisotropic filtering (default: 0)" guilistslider aniso "0 2 4 8 16" guilist [ guicheckbox "bilinear filtering" bilinear guibar guicheckbox "trilinear filtering (mipmaps)" trilinear ] guitab "res" guitext "field of view (default: 100)" guislider fov guistayopen [ guilist [ guilist [ guitext "4:3" @(resbutton 320 240) @(resbutton 640 480) @(resbutton 800 600) @(resbutton 1024 768) @(resbutton 1152 864) @(resbutton 1280 960) @(resbutton 1400 1050) @(resbutton 1600 1200) @(resbutton 1792 1344) @(resbutton 1856 1392) @(resbutton 1920 1440) @(resbutton 2048 1536) @(resbutton 2800 2100) @(resbutton 3200 2400) ] guibar guilist [ guitext "16:10" @(resbutton 320 200) @(resbutton 640 400) @(resbutton 1024 640) @(resbutton 1280 800) @(resbutton 1440 900) @(resbutton 1600 1000) @(resbutton 1680 1050) @(resbutton 1920 1200) @(resbutton 2048 1280) @(resbutton 2560 1600) @(resbutton 3840 2400) ] guibar guilist [ guitext "16:9" @(resbutton 1024 600) @(resbutton 1280 720) @(resbutton 1366 768) @(resbutton 1600 900) @(resbutton 1920 1080) @(resbutton 2048 1152) @(resbutton 3840 2160) ] guibar guilist [ guitext "5:4" @(resbutton 600 480) @(resbutton 1280 1024) @(resbutton 1600 1280) @(resbutton 2560 2048) ] guibar guilist [ guitext "5:3" @(resbutton 800 480) @(resbutton 1280 768) guibar guitext "Custom" guilist [ customw = $scr_w customh = $scr_h guifield customw 4 [scr_w $customw] guifield customh 4 [scr_h $customh] ] ] ] ] guitab "sound" guitext "sound volume" guislider soundvol guitext "music volume" guislider musicvol guitext "sound channels" guislider soundchans guitext "sound frequency" guilistslider soundfreq "11025 22050 44100" guitext "sound buffer length" guislider soundbufferlen guicheckbox "Mumble positional audio" mumble guitab "mouse" guicheckbox "invert mouse" invmouse guilist [ guitext "mouse sensitivity: " newsens = $sensitivity guifield newsens 8 [sensitivity $newsens] ] guilist [ guibutton "crosshair: " [showgui crosshair] guiimage (getcrosshair) [showgui crosshair] 0.5 ] guitext "crosshair size" guislider crosshairsize guitab "keys" guitext "(basic keybinds, for anything more use the 'bind' command)" guitext "select action to bind and press desired keys (ESC when done):" guilistsplit n 2 $bindactions [ newbinds = (concatword "newbinds" $i) guilist [ guitext (tabify [@@(concatword $n ": ")] 4) @newbinds = (searchbinds [@@n]) guikeyfield @newbinds -8 [ oldbinds = (searchbinds [@@@n]) loop i (listlen $oldbinds) [bind (at $oldbinds $i) ""] loop i (listlen $@@newbinds) [bind (at $@@@newbinds $i) [@@@@n]] ] ] ] [guibar] guitab "console" guicheckbox "chat console" miniconfilter 0x300 0 guitext "console size (lines)" guislider consize guitext "console filter:" guilist [ guilist [ guibitfield "important information" confilter 0x01 guibitfield "warnings" confilter 0x02 guibitfield "errors" confilter 0x04 guibitfield "init messages" confilter 0x10 guibitfield "script messages" confilter 0x20 ] guibar guilist [ guibitfield "chat" confilter 0x100 guibitfield "team chat" confilter 0x200 guibitfield "game events" confilter 0x400 guibitfield "self frags" confilter 0x800 guibitfield "other player frags" confilter 0x1000 ] guibar guilist [ guibitfield "team kills" confilter 0x2000 ] ] guitext "full console size (percent of screen)" guislider fullconsize guitext "full console filter:" guilist [ guilist [ guibitfield "important information" fullconfilter 0x01 guibitfield "warnings" fullconfilter 0x02 guibitfield "errors" fullconfilter 0x04 guibitfield "init messages" fullconfilter 0x10 guibitfield "script messages" fullconfilter 0x20 ] guibar guilist [ guibitfield "chat" fullconfilter 0x100 guibitfield "team chat" fullconfilter 0x200 guibitfield "game events" fullconfilter 0x400 guibitfield "self frags" fullconfilter 0x800 guibitfield "other player frags" fullconfilter 0x1000 ] guibar guilist [ guibitfield "team kills" fullconfilter 0x2000 ] ] guitab "autoexec.cfg" guitext "autoexec.cfg" showfileeditor "autoexec.cfg" -60 15 ] "game" bindactions = [forward backward left right jump attack togglezoom saycommand sayteamcommand showscores toggleconsole screenshot edittoggle "setweapon FI" "setweapon SG" "setweapon CG" "setweapon RL" "setweapon RI" "setweapon GL" "setweapon PI" "weapon" "universaldelta 1" "universaldelta -1" dropflag addbot delbot] entupdate = [ entset $tmpt $tmp0 $tmp1 $tmp2 $tmp3 ] initentgui = [ tmpt = ( et ) tmp0 = ( ea 0 ) tmp1 = ( ea 1 ) tmp2 = ( ea 2 ) tmp3 = ( ea 3 ) ] genentattributes = [ entattributes = "" n = ( listlen $arg2 ) loop i $n [ do [ t@i = [ guitext @(at $arg2 $i) ] a@i = [ guislider tmp@i @(at $arg3 (* 2 $i)) @(at $arg3 (+ 1 (* 2 $i))) entupdate ] entattributes = [ @@entattributes @t@@i; @a@@i; ] ] ] ] guilistsplit = [ guilist [ i = 0 n = (listlen $arg3) z = (div (+ $n (- $arg2 1)) $arg2) loop a $arg2 [ guilist [ t = (min (+ $i $z) $n) while [< $i $t] [ push $arg1 (at $arg3 $i) @@@arg4 pop $arg1 i = (+ $i 1) ] ] if (&& (>= $numargs 5) (< (+ $a 1) $arg2)) [@arg5] ] ] ] quickeditmenu = [ guitext "Quick Commands:" guibar guifield savemap_name 10 [ savemap $savemap_name ] guibutton "quick light" "calclight -1" guibutton "optimize map" "remip" guibutton "new entity" "newent shells" guibar guibutton newmap guibar guibutton help "showgui editing" ] matmenu = [ guibutton "air" "editmat air" guibutton "water" "editmat water" guibutton "lava" "editmat lava" guibutton "clip" "editmat clip" guibutton "glass" "editmat glass" guibutton "noclip" "editmat noclip" guibutton "gameclip" "editmat gameclip" guibutton "death" "editmat death" guibutton "alpha" "editmat alpha" guicheckbox "show material volumes" showmat ] brushmenu = [ guilist [ // diamonds guiimage "packages/icons/brush_1c.png" brush_0 guiimage "packages/icons/brush_21c.png" brush_1 guiimage "packages/icons/brush_421c.png" brush_2 ] guilist [ // squares guiimage "packages/icons/brush_3s.png" brush_3 guiimage "packages/icons/brush_5s.png" brush_4 guiimage "packages/icons/brush_7s.png" brush_5 ] guititle smooth guilist [ // smooth guiimage "packages/icons/brush_3s.png" brush_6 guiimage "packages/icons/brush_5s.png" brush_7 guiimage "packages/icons/brush_7s.png" brush_8 ] ] newentgui = [ do [ genentattributes [@@arg1] [@@arg2] [@@arg3] newgui @arg1 [ guitext $tmpt guibar @entattributes guitab type guilistsplit n 2 $enttypelist [ guibutton $n [ entset @n ] ] guitab misc @quickeditmenu ] ] ] loop i $enttypelength [ newentgui (at $enttypelist $i) "" "" ] newgui materials [ @matmenu guitab misc @quickeditmenu ] newgui brushes [ @brushmenu guitab misc @quickeditmenu ] newgui quickedit [ @quickeditmenu guitab materials @matmenu ] newentgui light "radius red green blue" "0 400 0 255 0 255 0 255" newentgui spotlight "radius" "0 200" newentgui playerstart "direction" "0 360" newentgui teleport "tag" "0 20" newentgui teledest "direction tag" "0 360 0 20" newentgui monster "direction type" "0 360 0 7" newentgui mapmodel "direction model" "0 360 0 100" newentgui envmap "radius" "0 400" newentgui jumppad "Z Y X" "0 200 0 200 0 200" newentgui sound "type radius size" "0 20 0 500 0 500" newentgui particles "radius height type" "0 512 0 512 0 32" contexteditgui = [ if ($hmapedit) [ showgui brushes ] [ if (enthavesel) [ initentgui; do [ showgui (et) ] ] [ if (havesel) [ showgui materials ] [ showgui quickedit ] ] ] ] showentgui = [ do [ contexteditgui ] ] // legacy bind newgui seltexinfo [ guitext (concatword "Slot: " (getseltex)) guilist [ loop x 5 [ texname = (gettexname (getseltex) $x) texname = (substr $texname (+ (strstr $texname ">") 1)) // chop off any leading commands guiimage (concatword "packages/" $texname) "" 1 1 ]] loop x 5 [ tex = (gettexname (getseltex) $x)); if (strcmp $tex "") [] [guitext $tex]] ]