The Theory

You send your map files/changes to me and I add them to the map.

But this need some sort of management.
To prevent overlaps there is a 2d map of blocks. This Blocks have the gridesize of 7 in the game. (use "/gridpower 7" in game to see how big this is)

The current 2d map (2007-12-04): matropolis_map2007-12-04
The upper left Point is 0,0 the point right at the bottom is 127,127. All the air and the ground belong to this block! You tell me what area you need and I reserve it for you. You can also share areas with other members. Just tell me the nick(s). Right now there is no official limit how much blocks you can get. But please keep it in balance! IMPORTANT: I will only update the area you are owning or where the owner says you have the right to change it! I do this to prevent accidentally changed areas. (No edit wars like wikipedia ;]) I will not deny map modifications as long as there are following the rules. So if you don't like the neighbor you can change your location. (Yes we actually can move buildings :D) Or build a big neighborhood with some mates. So nobody else can build beside your house. I also like to make a list with the nicks, e-mails and other information to facilitate communication between all members. But I wont give Informations out as long as I haven't allowance from the member. The map releases From time to time I will put it all together and run a nice calclight 3 over the map. The name of the map will be metropolis[iso date]. For example: metropolis2007-11-27 I also include a change log. Some rules - use the last release of Sauerbraten. Do NOT use any CVS version! You cannot load maps saved in a newer Sauerbraten version! - Standard values: standard sets for textures and models are used! the values for the global lights are ambiante 1 and skylight 0. --> This is a dark night but you have more potentialities to use light and shadows! lightprecision 64 --> the resolution of the lightmap fogcolour 0 --> black fog fog 4000 --> far away watercolor 16728128 --> RGB: 64 64 255 waterfog 150 --> standard value - Dont use lights with big radius. So they wont affect other areas to much. (areas from other people) - The used skybox will be staffy/staffy (dark sky with some stars). Because it is night, relatively neutral and in the standard installation. - The IDs of teledests are limited. (In fact it is a signed 16Bit value = -32768..32767 = max. 65536 teledest) So tell me how much IDs you need and I tell you what range you can use. - No jumppads with extreme values like -10000 or +10000 - No noclip ares which let the player fall to the mapground (you know -> death) - We all like big maps. But we also like it much more if the map have more then three Textures and 20 Blocks. So please: Work with love on the details. ;) - If you want to update your section send me a E-Mail with your nick the map and tell me the positions to update. I will then check if you are the rightful owner of the ground and after that it will be in the next release. Please use a mapname like this: metropolis[iso date]_[YOUR NICK]_[YOUR UPDATE VERSION FOR THIS RELEASE] For example: metropolis2007-11-27_osbios_3 It will help me a lot to keep order of the versions. Interested? E-Mail: osbios13[AT]gmail[DOT]com