MAP CFG BASICS: The loadsky command will load a sky as the skymap (the outside of your map that goes around your map). This skymap is a box that goes around your whole map. It is formed of 6 pictures: up, down, left, right, back, front. There are different skymaps found in the packages folder (most of them are in skyboxes and socksky folders). A sky box can be defined as a group with a common name and the extensions: _up, _dn, _lf, _rt, _bk, _ft. Example staffy, which is found in the staffy folder, will have a group of 6 pictures staffy_up, staffy_dn, etc. To add one of these skymaps to your map simply use the command loadsky plus the name of the folder(s) inside of packages until you get to the six folders, then the common name of the jpgs. For example for staffy skybox you will type: loadsky “staffy/staffy” Note: the quotes are optional but are normally used. Quotes are only needed if you have a command that you want treated as one parameter or string when it has whitespace (spaces) in it. Note: you can add cloud and rotate both the sky and clounds and do other random stuff. Will be explained in intermedeate cfg files help txt file. Configuration files (cfg) are sets of commands that run at the load of your map. This file can contain any number of commands. To create a config (configuration) file you will simply go into notepad (textedit for Mac), and save the new file as plain text file with the name of the map and the extension .cfg or mapname.cfg . This file or *.cfg (* means any name), will be the document of commands that runs before your map. Note: texturereset is not required command to use, if your map is already texture skip this step. This command is only helpful if you either have an older version of cube or you are trying to update to a new version of cube in which they have added or removed textures. If you have random textures that don’t look like your map use this function to fix it. Next is the command texturereset. The best way to use this command is to understand it. The default texture setting (located in data/default_map_settings) is a list of textures that run in order from top to bottom. It is simply a list with each texture assigned a number, that number get set on the cube that you select to texture and is stored in your *.ogz (the map) file. When you do a texturereset it clears the list and you start from 0. The next command is how to add textures to this list (Note: if you do not do a texturereset, it will just add to the list that is already made in the default texture settings). This command is as follows: texture 0 “my/texture.jpg” This commands second parameter (0 is the first parameter: Note: this can variable changes the type, explained in intermediate cfg help txt) is the extension inside of package. This works just like the loadsky command except you add “.jpg” or “.png” to the end. So for a texture in side of the g_pack folder named g-crate01: texture 0 “g_pack/g-crate01.jpg” Note: there are shaders and texture maps added to some textures so it is best to use an exec command and load the package, or package2 or 3 etc, instead of loading the texture directly. The exec command loads another *.cfg file and runs all of that code, before it continues to the next part of your code. To run this command: exec “packages/folder/packages.cfg” Note: this command loads in the cube directory not in the packages folder, so you must include packages in the extension. Moving to enhancers (these work like adjectives work for a noun). Enhancer commands or functions add particular things to your texture to allow you to move, merge, and add grass to your textures. First is texscroll, which moves a texture on its local x and y (x is the width of a texture; y is the height of the texture). Texscroll simply takes your texture and moves it by its first parameter x and it second variable y, across its self. This allows you to make stuff like the quick sand in turbine. texture 0 “some/random/texture.jpg” texscroll 10 -10 Note: when you explore this it will make more sense. The autograss command takes a png image (png with alpha channeling, in which what is a 0 alpha or transparency is not rendered and what is not is rendered) and lays it right side up to make it appear like grass. the main image texture 0 “HERE” is laid normally while the autograss “HERE” is laid vertically like grass: texture 0 “any/random/texture.jpg” autograss “my/grass.png” Note: you can use a jpg but you will have no alpha which means it will appear as a horizontal brick with no see through. Note: stay with the proportion 512 x 128. If you ignore this rule you will see strange things. If you want to make the grass taller use the command grassheight N (any number between 1..64). This simply scales all the grass for a map. Moving on to more basic types of functions. First is mmodels (map models) this works like the textures functions so it has a mapmodelreset, and to index a new mmodel: mmodel "folder/modelname" For mmodels type all the folders that lead up to the file that the md2 or 3 or 4 file is in. For example for dcp has a folder firebowl which contains the md3 and a cfg file: mmodel "dcp/firebowl" Note: this folder is in packages but is not stated, rather it is assumed. Music is listed by either an *.ogg file or a *.mp3 file. These files by listing all folders and the files name with extention under the packages folder. For a song in the fantastic folder named 1: music "fantastic/1.ogg" Mapsounds allow you to set a sound based on your distance away form the object in game. To use a map sound you must first define it in the cfg file, all mapsounds start at 0 so you do not need a reset command like textures and mmodels. The mapsound is listed first with the mapsound name (like how you define music), volume maxuim value of the sound (between 1-255), number of instance allowed to play at once (-1 is unlimited). mapsound "sounds/free/tick.ogg" 100 1 Note: you do not need to define the last 2 parameters, but the defaults are as listed repectfully (100, 1). Some in game commands fog: sets the amount of fog on a map 1 heavy 4000 light fogcolour: the color of the fog (RBG) red blue green values. (When RBG is stated this means it take 3 values one the amount of red, blue and green. 0..255) waterfog: the amount of fog in the water watercolour: the color of the water (RBG) waterfallcolour: sets the color of a water fall (RBG) waterspec: sets the amount of light let in the water lavafog: the amount of fog under lava (1..10000) lavacolour: sets the color of the fog in the lava (RBG) loadsky: loads a sky as a skymap for a map. This should allow you to set up your cfg properly :) Lovable Jerk chasester